AGU session: δ13C and biomarkers
We would like to draw your attention to our inter-disciplinary session (see below) at this years AGU Fall Meeting (December 2011) in San Francisco, CA. The deadline for abstract submission is 4th August 2011.
Session Title: Modern Insights Into the Paleo-carbon Cycle: A δ13C and Biomarker Perspective
Invited presenters (confirmed):
Prof. Philip Meyers (Michigan, USA – Stable isotopes in modern and palaeo environments; Palaeoceanography)
Dr. Jennifer Dungait (BBSRC, UK – Soil processes, stable isotopes and biomarker distributions)
Prof. Kliti Grice (Curtin Univeristy, Australia – Mass Extinction Events; biogeochemistry of extant organisms; organic matter preservation)
Prof. Howard Griffiths (Cambridge, UK – Plant Physiology and Stable Isotopes)
Understanding the carbon cycle is central to constraining environmental processes from biological productivity to palaeo environmental interpretations. Rigorously quantifying these processes at different spatial and temporal scales requires an integrative inter-disciplinary approach. This session aims to bring together ecologists, biochemists, palaeoclimatologists and geochemists that use bulk and compound specific δ13C and biomarker distributions in marine and terrestrial environments. We particularly encourage contributions investigating biological productivity (i.e. photosynthesis); carbon fluxes; diagenesis and soil processes; the use of carbon to investigate modern and palaeo-environments; and method development.
Convenors: Chris Brodie (Hong Kong University, China); James Casford (Durham University, UK); Erin McClymont (Newcastle University, UK); Melanie Leng (NIGL, UK).
Abstract submission is via and the deadline is 4th August 23:59 EDT.
Student Travel Grant Applications:
We are very keen to receive abstracts from researchers working in modern through to palaeo, terrestrial and aquatic environments using bulk and compound specific δ13C and biomarker distributions across all disciplines. This session will be of interest to many users of this forum (and others not on this list, so please do pass this on to any colleagues you think may be interested). We are very open to all strands of research utilising these proxies to gain an insight into modern and palaeo biogeochemical processes (including water column and surface sediment research), and what this means for understanding environmental and climatic processes, and the caveats in the scientific understanding from an inter-disciplinary perspective.