CANQUA-CGRG 2013 second circular

Please consider joining us in Edmonton for the Canadian Quaternary Association biannual meeting August 18-22, 2013. The meeting will be held jointly with the Canadian Geomorphology Research Group.


Technical Program

The meeting includes 18 special sessions covering diverse areas of Quaternary science including:

  • Ancient DNA
  • Georchaeology
  • New Approaches to Quaternary mapping using LiDAR and Remote sensing
  • Paleolimnology
  • Glacier dynamics
  • Dating methods
  • Stable isotope applications
  • Quaternary Vertebrates
  • Applied Geomorphology
  • Permafrost environments
  • Aeolian and Coastal geomorphology

As well, we welcome general contributions in Quaternary science and Geomorphology that may not fit directly into the proposed special sessions.

Plenary Speakers

The Plenary speakers are now confirmed, including Beth Shapiro (UC Santa Cruz), Ted Goebel (Texas A&M), Alexander Wolfe (U. Alberta), Bob Anderson (INSTAAR), and Steven Pawley and Nigel Atkinson (Alberta Geological Survey). Details of their talks and dates are on the conference website.

Field Trips

We have organized 4 field trips associated with the meeting. Space for trips will be limited, so please consider registering early.

Pre-Conference Trips:

  1. Quaternary record and landscapes Edmonton to Jasper and the Athabasca Glacier August 17-18, 2013 Led by Nat Rutter (University of Alberta) and Dan Utting (Alberta Geological Survey)
  2. The glacial geomorphology of the paleo-ice streams of southern Alberta August 15-18, 2013 Led by David Evans (Durham) and Mark Furze (Grant Macewan University)

Post-Conference Trips:

  1. Stratigraphy and record of catastrophic drainage of Clearwater-Athabasca spillway and geoarchaeology of the Oilsands Region August 22-25, 2013 Led by Duane Froese (Alberta), Robin Woywitka (Archaeological Survey of Alberta and University of Alberta) and Nigel Atkinson (Alberta Geological Survey)
  2. East of Edmonton: Late Quaternary Landscapes, paleoenvironments and human history August 23 Led by Alwynne Beaudoin (Royal Alberta Museum), Heinz Pyszczyk (Archaeological Survey of Alberta), and Chris Jass (Royal Alberta Museum)

For further information about the meeting, please contact: Duane Froese at the University of Alberta.