Post-Doctoral Position in Late-Quaternary Paleolimnology/Paleoclimatology

A post-doctoral position is available starting September, 2013 to work with Dr. Mark Abbott at the Lake Sediment Geochemistry Laboratory, University of Pittsburgh – see The candidate is expected to collaborate with ongoing paleolimnological projects reconstructing late-Quaternary paleoclimate and human-landscape interactions. Projects typically involve using multiple methods including basic sedimentology, geochronology (210Pb and 137Cs, AMS 14C), stable isotope geochemistry (carbonate δ18O and δ13C, organic matter δ13C and δ15N), inorganic sediment geochemistry (scanning X-ray Fluorescence, trace metals via ICP-MS), and/or organic geochemistry.

The successful candidate should have strong analytical skills and hold a PhD in geology, environmental science or a related field. Documented fieldwork (collecting lake cores) and laboratory experience (explained above) is desirable. The position is for 1 year with the possibility of extension of up to 3 years and starts as early as September 1, 2013. Interested candidates should send a CV, cover letter, and the names and contact information of 3 references (name, address, email, and phone number) to Dr. Mark Abbott at

Mark Abbott
Geology and Planetary Science
University of Pittsburgh
4107 O’Hara Street
Room 200 SRCC Building
Pittsburgh, PA 15260-3332 USA
phone: 412-624-1408
fax: 412-624-3914