Roger E. Deane Postdoctoral Fellow University of Toronto, Department of Earth Sciences
The Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Toronto invites applications for the Roger E. Deane Postdoctoral Fellowship, a highly competitive fellowship in any field of Earth Science. The department is interested in supporting innovative research and outstanding young geoscientists to work in collaboration with one or more faculty members. Applicants are encouraged to contact potential hosts in advance to discuss areas of common interest. The Deane Postdoctoral Fellowship has an annual salary of CAD$50,000 and is awarded for a one-year period, with an anticipated extension for a second year. Anticipated start date is Sept. 2016, but earlier start dates are possible.
Application: A complete application includes: a curriculum vitae, a research proposal (2 pages maximum excluding references), and the names & addresses of at least three references.
Deadline: Applications are due January 15, 2016. Submit electronic PDF applications to: Ampy Tolentino, (subject line: Deane Postdoctoral Fellowship).
Employment as Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Toronto is covered by the terms of the CUPE 3902 Unit 5 Collective Agreement.
Potential applicants interested in paleoclimate reconstructions, paleoecology, paleolimnology or paleoenvironments and carbon cycle dynamics in northern peatlands should contact Prof Sarah Finkelstein,,