Graduate student opportunities in glacial geology

The Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Waterloo in southern Ontario, Canada, seeks applications for graduate studies in the area of glacial geology (up to three MSc and two PhD projects). The anticipated start dates are May 2014 and Sept 2014, depending on the project. Study areas are all located in Canada and projects involve various methods including 2D and 3D mapping of glacial sediments and landforms, stratigraphy and sedimentology, analysis of glacial sediment dispersal patterns, as well as analysis of glacial lake and deglacial sea level records. The research projects all have applied aspects either in mineral exploration, engineering geology, and/or environmental problems. Prior education and experience in Earth Sciences are required and candidates are expected to have a record of academic excellence. Financial support will be available to the selected students. Interested candidates should contact Dr. Martin Ross at (1-519-888-4567 x.38171).
